"The_Tower_of_Babel.jpg: Diversity of Visual Encyclopedic Knowledge Across Wikipedia Language Editions"
Shiqing He, Allen Yilun Lin, Eytan Adar, and Brent Hecht, ICWSM'18. PDF available
The live version of WikiImgDive is available here. You can fill in the query box with the exact name of the Wikipedia page (case sensitive) to search.
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We display the images used for these concepts based on how many languages feature them. The bar chart visualization reflects the size of the image on the page (a signal of visual emphasis). Below that is a hierarchical clustering based on how similar the image distribution is. The images (in order of appearance) are also rendered as is an analysis of visually similar images that have different filenames. Note that this is static output from our clustering system (we do offline processing to analyze the images). Similar images are not thresholded in this view (a higher number means a worse match).